Transgender Resource Center of NM

5600 Domingo Rd NE

Albuquerque, NM 87108

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tgrcnm @ (Email this provider)


Monday - Friday 1-5 Harm Reduction Hours Mon, Wed, Fri 1:30-5pm (Must be in by 4:15)


T. Michael Trimm

Región: 3 - ABQ Condado de Bernalillo

TGRCNM is dedicated to serving the transgender community of the state of New Mexico and strives to exist as a clearing house for resources which can support, assist, educate, and advocate for the transgender population of this state and their families and loved ones. The agency and its website provide social, educational, emotional, and functional support for all facets of transgender living and promote mutual understanding, acceptance, and equality to achieve a more positive and healthy society.

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