
136 Washington St. SE Ste. E

Albuquerque, NM 87108

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nmpower @ (Email this provider)


Hours of Operation: 3pm-10pm Monday - Friday HIV Testing 2-8p Mon-Fri for walk ins, call for appointments outside that time


Josh Garcia

Región: 3 - ABQ Condado de Bernalillo

N'MPower, a program of Planned Parenthood of NM, provides non-traditional HIV prevention and education to a target audience of young gay, bi, and questioning men and transgender individuals ages 18-29. N'MPower's mission: To promote gay, bi, quetioning men's and transgender individuals' health, wellness and prevent HIV transmission by building a sense of community, fostering communication and nurturing self-esteem. N'MPower has been working to empower the young, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning communities of New Mexico since 1997.

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